“Next part in the Beginner Generative Bitwig Grid Series
00:00:00 Intro 00:00:35 modulation with serial envelopes 00:05:17 sync evenloper triggers to a clock 00:09:16 using external audio effects in the grid 00:13:13 internal audio effects in the grid / reverb with mod delay 00:15:56 grid reverb with all-pass devices 00:17:09 phaser in the grid with an mod delay 00:21:29 simple sequencing of grid patches & the LFO 00:24:30 make the LFO slower than 32bars 00:27:28 outro & preview ”
Stochastischen Sequenzer innerhalb des Grid von Bitwig Studio → Tonhöhen/Noten, Geschwindigkeit, Klangfarbe, Druck und Rhythmus basierend auf Wahrscheinlichkeiten
This is how you build a modal synthesizer in Bitwig studio easy and polyphonic. You can download the patch on my patreon or here as a youtube member in sthe community tab. (1 buck) https://www.patreon.com/posts/68192811